BSF Constable Syllabus 2021 Group B and C Exam Pattern

BSF Constable Syllabus

BSF Constable Syllabus BSF Constable Syllabus 2021 Download BSF Head Constable Exam Syllabus pdf 2021 How to Prepare for Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Combatised Posts Exam BSF Constable Written Exam Syllabus 2021 BSF CT HC Exam Preparation Important Topics BSF SI Exam Pattern & Selection Process


BSF Constable Syllabus
BSF Constable Syllabus

About Recruitment:-

BSF Constable Syllabus Border Security Force (BSF) has recently announced about the recruitment of 317 Posts of Group B & C (SI Master, SI Engine Driver, SI Workshop, HC Master, HC Engine Driver, Mechanic, Electrician, Ac Technician, Electronics, Machinist, Carpenter, Plumber, CT Crew). All the Eligible Candidates filled there application form for these Post. The Process of Submitting application form starting from the date 17.02.2020 & Conducted till the date 16.03.2020. More Details about the Exam is provided below…..

About Exam:-

The written examination will be conducted at the selected centers on the date and time fixed by HQ DG BSF, which will be communicated to all candidates though call letters by respective RAs as well as through BSF website.

Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare” for the best in their Exams. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Group B & C Exam conducting by BSF.

Selection Process:

  • Phase-I
    • Written Exam
  • Phase-II
    • Documentation
    • Physical Measurement
    • Physical Efficiency Test
    • Trade Test
    • Medical Examination


Written Exam

Exam Pattern:- The Exam Pattern will be as follows:

  • Question papers will be printed in bilingual i.e. in Hindi & English both.
  • There will be one composite paper of objective type with multiple choices to be answered on an OMR Answer Sheet.
  • The Time Duration of Examination Will be 02 Hrs.
  • Exam Will Carry Total 100 Questions / 100 Marks.
  • The written examination question paper will be consisting of  Following subjects.

For The Post Of SI (Master, Engine Driver & Workshop)

Part Subjects No. of Questions/ Maximum Marks
A General Knowledge & Awareness 25 Questions/ Marks
B Reasoning Ability 25 Questions/ Marks
C Numerical Ability 25 Questions/ Marks
D Trade Awareness 25 Questions/ Marks

For The Post Of HC (Master, Engine Driver & Workshop) & CT Crew

Part Subjects No. of Questions/ Maximum Marks
A General Knowledge & Awareness 35 Questions/ Marks
B Reasoning Ability 35 Questions/ Marks
C Numerical Ability 30 Questions/ Marks

Qualifying Marks:

Qualifying Marks for Written Exam Will be as Follows:

  • Candidates of Gen/OBC/EWS – 35%
  • Candidates of SC/ST – 33%

Written Exam Syllabus:-

For The Post Of SI (Master)

General Knowledge & Awareness -25%
  1. Current Affairs (Events related to India its neighboring countries)
  2. General science & Technology
  3. Indian constitution.
  4. Indian History.
  5. Indian culture.
  6. Indian geography.
  7. General polity
  8. Sports: championships/ winners/number of players
  9. Other misc. issues related to General Knowledge
Reasoning Ability- 25%
  1. Coding & decoding
  2. Series (number & alphabet)
  3. Figure classification
  4. Relationship concepts
  5. Distance & directions
  6. Visual memory
  7. Spiral orientation
  8. Other basic concepts of reasoning
Numerical Ability 25%
  1. Basics ((2X2) (3X3) multiplications) squares
  2. Mixed fractions
  3. Averages
  4. Percentages
  5. Profit & loss, Discount, ratio
  6. Time & work
  7. Simple interest, compound interest
  8. Simple mensuration
Trade Awareness- 25% (2nd Class Master Level)
  1. Management of inland vessels under all conditions.
  2. Knowledge of storm and distress signals
  3. Knowledge of the compass
  4. The rules of the road as regards to both, sailing vessels and mechanically propelled vessels, their regulation, lights, fog and sound signals.
  5. The marking and use of the lead line.
  6. Steps to be taken in the event of vessel grounding.
  7. Management of inland vessels under tow or when towed or pushing.
  8. Questions on carriage of iron ore, coal, Petroleum Products, cement fly ash & containers.
  9. The provisions of the rules made by IWAI in respect of Life Saving and Fire Appliances and Conduct of vessels.
  10. Provisions of the rules with regards to carriage of passengers.
  11. Knowledge of Loading Marks and Stability of Inland vessels.
  12. Knowledge of Inland Vessel act
  13. Knowledge of GPS, DGPS, VHF, Radar and Echo sounder for safe navigation

For The Post Of SI (Engine Driver)

General Knowledge & Awareness -25%
  1. Current Affairs (Events related to India its neighboring countries)
  2. General science & Technology
  3. Indian constitution
  4. Indian History
  5. Indian culture
  6. Indian geography
  7. General polity
  8. Sports: championships/ winners/ number of players
  9. Other misc. issues related to General Knowledge
Reasoning Ability- 25%
  1. Coding & decoding
  2. Series (number & alphabet)
  3. Figure classification
  4. Relationship concepts
  5. Distance & directions
  6. Visual memory
  7. Spiral orientation
  8. Other basic concepts of reasoning
Numerical Ability 25%

  1. Basics ((2X2) (3X3) multiplications) squares
  2. Mixed fractions
  3. Averages
  4. Percentages
  5. Profit & loss, Discount, ratio
  6. Time & work
  7. Simple interest, compound interest
  8. Simple mensuration
Trade Awareness-25% (1st Class Engine Driver Level)
  1. Principles and working of Internal Combustion Engines.
  2. Fuel system, lubrication system and cooling system of engines.
  3. Valve setting and injector setting of marine engine.
  4. Trouble shooting of engines.
  5. Replacement of various lines and cylinder head of engines with appropriate knowledge of Torque.
  6. Overhauling of engine.
  7. Adjustment of working path of engine to get optimum efficiency of engine.
  8. The provisions of the Inland vessel rules for Life Saving, Fire Appliances and general discipline.

For The Post Of SI (Workshop)

General Knowledge & Awareness -25%
  1. Current Affairs (Events related to India its neighboring countries)
  2. General science & Technology
  3. Indian constitution
  4. Indian History
  5. Indian culture
  6. Indian geography
  7. General polity
  8. Sports: championships/ winners/ number of players
  9. Other misc. issues related to General Knowledge
Reasoning Ability- 25%
  1. Coding & decoding
  2. Series (number & alphabet)
  3. Figure classification
  4. Relationship concepts
  5. Distance & directions
  6. Visual memory
  7. Spiral orientation
  8. Other basic concepts of reasoning
Numerical Ability 25%
  1. Basics ((2X2) (3X3) multiplications) squares
  2. Mixed fractions
  3. Averages
  4. Percentages
  5. Profit & loss, Discount, ratio
  6. Time & work
  7. Simple interest, compound interest
  8. Simple mensuration
Trade Awareness-25% (1st Class Engine Driver Level)
  1. Units of measurement
  2. Internal combustion engines
  3. Cycles of 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines
  4. Components of diesel and patrol engines
  5. Fuel system, lubrication system and cooling system of engine
  6. Voltage, current, resistance, Miniature circuit breakers
  7. Electronics, diode, transistor and printed circuit board
  8. Pumps, gears and clutches.

For The Post Of HC (Master, Engine Driver & Workshop) & CT Crew

General Knowledge & Awareness -25%
  1. Current Affairs (Events related to India)
  2. Indian constitution
  3. Indian History
  4. Indian geography
  5. General polity
  6. Sports: championships/ winners/number of players
  7. Other misc. issues related to General Knowledge
Reasoning Ability- 25%
  1. Coding & decoding
  2. Series (number & alphabet)
  3. Figure classification
  4. Relationship concepts
  5. Distance & directions
  6. Visual memory
  7. Spiral orientation
  8. Other basic concepts of reasoning.
Numerical Ability 25%
  1. Basics ((2X2) (3X3) multiplications) squares
  2. Mixed fractions
  3. Averages
  4. Percentages
  5. Profit & loss, Discount, ratio
  6. Time & work
  7. Simple interest, compound interest
  8. Simple mensuration



Candidates will have to produce original copies of all the documents to testify their eligibility for the post on account of Age, Education, Technical Qualification, Experience, caste, relaxation for PST etc.

Physical Standard Test (PST)

Physical measurement will be carried out by the selection Board to assess the height, weight and chest of candidates according to the prescribed physical standard as mentioned Below.

Categories Height in cms Chest in cms
Schedule Tribes/ Adivasis of All States and Union Territories including Nagas & Mizos 160 cms 73-78 cms
Person Belonging to

  1. Hilly areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Leh & Ladakh & North Eastern States.
  2. State of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh & Goa.
  3. Union Territory of Pondicherry, Lakshdweep, Daman & Diu & Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  4. Dogas.
162.5 cms 75-80 cms
Person Belonging to Other States and Union Territories 165 cms 75-80 cms

Physical Efficiency Test

Candidates are required to qualify following events:-

  1. 1 Mile Race 08 Minutes
  2. High Jump 3 Feet 06 Inches (03 attempts)
  3. Long Jump 11 Feets (03 attempts)

Trade Test

Trade Test for each post will be carried out by the Selection Board to assess the Knowledge and Experience of candidate in the respective technical field or trade applied by the candidate. Swimming Test for the Post of CT (Crew) will also be carried Out by the Selection Board.

Medical Examination

Candidates Who Qualify the Above Test Will Undergo to the Medical Examination.

Detailed Syllabus pdf

Important Link Area

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Admit Card
Download BSF Group B and C Combatised Posts Admit Card
Official Website
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