ESIC UDC Syllabus 2021 Stenographer Main Exam Pattern Pdf

ESIC UDC Syllabus 2021

ESIC UDC Syllabus 2021 ESIC UDC Pre Exam Syllabus 2021 ESIC Steno Pre & Main Exam Pattern 2021 For Computer Based Test ESIC Stenographer CBT – 1st Exam Pattern Pdf 2021 ESIC UDC Syllabus 2021 ESIC Stenographer Online Computer Exam Pattern 2021 ESIC UDC Syllabus 2021 ESIC Upper Division Clerk Syllabus 2021 ESIC Steno Syllabus 2021 ESIC UDC Exam Syllabus 2021 ESI Corporation Stenographer Exam Pattern/Scheme 2021


ESIC UDC Recruitment 2021
ESIC UDC syllabus 2021

About Recruitment :-

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) had invited applications for recruitment to the posts of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) and Stenographer across all states. A Online written test had conducted for these posts in the month of 2021. after that Computer Skill Test (CST) and Stenography Test will be conducted. Online application has been activated from –/–2021 To –/–/2021 lots of candidates had applied for the posts as it was the most awaited recruitment.

About ESIC Exam :-

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) will conduct a written test all over India for recruitment to Upper Division Clerk (UDC) and Stenographer (Steno). As the time passing away the standard of competitive examination is raising with the time period rapidly. So, candidates also must have to pay more attention towards their preparation to give the best in their examination. Now, we are rendering the determined latest scheme of examination and syllabus for your best preparation regards this screening test of UDC & Steno conducting by ESIC.

Selection Process :-

Post Name Test Name
Stenographer Main Examination Computer Skill Test Stenography Test
Upper Divison Clerk Preliminary Examination Main Examination Computer Skill Test
  • For Upper Divison Clerk : The marks obtained in Phase –II will be considered for final selection. But candidates have to clear the all stages of examination.
  • For Stenographer : The marks obtained in Phase –I will be considered for final selection. But candidates have to clear the all stages of examination.

About ESIC UDC Exam Pattern :-

ESIC UDC Syllabus & Exam Pattern (Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, Computer Skill Test)

Phase I –Preliminary Examination (Qualifying in Nature)

SI No. Name Of The Test No. Of Questions Max Marks Duration Version
1 General Intelligence And Reasoning 25 50 1 Hour Bilingual
2 General Awareness 25 50 Bilingual
3 Quantitative Aptitude 25 50 Bilingual
4 English Comprehension 25 50 English
Total 100 200

Note: Phase –I is qualifying in nature and marks will not be reckoned for final merit. For each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of one fourth of the mark assigned to that question. The candidates will be shortlisted for Phase-II in the ratio of 1:10 i.e. about 10 times the number of vacancies in each category on the basis of their performance in Phase -I.

Phase II -Main Examination

SI No. Name of the Test (Objective Tests) No. of Qs. Max. Marks Duration Version
1 General Intelligence and Reasoning 50 50 2 Hours Bilingual
2 General Awareness 50 50 Bilingual
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 Bilingual
4 English Comprehension 50 50 English
Total 200 200

Note: The marks obtained in Phase –II will be considered for final selection. For each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of one-fourth of the mark assigned to that question. The candidates will be shortlisted for Phase-III in the ratio of 1:5 i.e. about 5 times the number of vacancies in each category on the basis of their performance in Phase -II.

Phase III -Computer Skill Test (Qualifying in nature)

comprising of following three parts :-

S.No. Description of Test Marks Total Marks Duration
1 Preparation of 02 Power Points Slides 10 50 Marks 30 Minutes
2 Typing matter on MS Word with formatting 20

3 Preparation of Table on MS Excel with use of formulae 20

Note: The working knowledge of PWD Candidates who are unable to type shall be assessed by holding an Objective Type Computer Test of 50 Marks having 50 Questions with no negative marking. Computer Skill Test will be qualifying in nature. Marks obtained will not be reckoned for merit ranking.

  • The marks obtained in Phase –II will be considered for final selection.
  • For each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of one-fourth of the mark assigned to that question.
  • The candidates will be shortlisted for Phase-III in the ratio of 1:5 i.e. about 5 times the number of vacancies in each category on the basis of their performance in Phase -II.

ESIC Stenographer Exam Pattern (Main Examination, Computer Skill Test & Stenography Test)

Phase I -Main Examination

SI No. Name Of The Test No. Of Questions Max Marks Duration Version
1 English Language And Comprehension 100 100 70 Minutes Hindi And English Except English Language And Comprehension
2 Reasoning Ability 50 50 35 Minutes
3 General Awareness 50 50 25 Minutes

Note : The marks obtained in Phase –I will be considered for final selection. For each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of one fourth of the mark assigned to that question. The candidates will be shortlisted for Phase-II in the ratio of 1:10 i.e. about 10 times the number of vacancies in eachcategory on the basis of their performance in Phase -I.

Phase II -Computer Skill Test & Stenography Test (Both Qualifying in Nature)

A) Computer Skill Test :-

S. No. Description of Test Marks Total Marks Duration
1 Preparation of 02 Power Points Slides 10 50 Marks 30 Minutes
2 Typing matter on MS Word with formatting 20
3 Preparation of Table on MS Excel with use of formulae 20

B) Stenography Test :-

Stenography Test for 10 minutes with a speed of 80 words per minute in English or Hindi and transcription of the same on computer for one hour. VH candidate will be required to transcribe the matter in 85 minutes for English Shorthand or in 95 minutes for Hindi Shorthand for the post of Stenographer.

Note: The working knowledge of PWD Candidates who are unable to type shall be assessed by holding an Objective Type Computer Test of 50 Marks having 50 Questions with no negative marking. Computer Skill Test and Stenography Test will be qualifying in nature. Marks obtained will not be reckoned for merit ranking.

About UDC Exam Syllabus :-

ESIC Stenographer & UDC Syllabus

Exam Syllabus :- ESIC UDC & Steno Exam Syllabus will be as follows :

Quantitative Aptitude : The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals ,fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion,Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School.

English Language : Candidates’ ability to understand correct English, his basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested. Questions will be based on spot the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/detecting mis-spelt words, idioms & phrases, one word substitution, improvement of sentences.

General Intelligence : It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series.

General Awareness : Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidates general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research.

Final Words :-

Aspirants who appeared in the Exam of ESIC waiting for Result impatiently. Candidates are advised to be in touch with Regional ESIC website for latest updates regarding Written Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern. Direct Result Links will also available on this Page. So Keep visit this Space Regarding ESIC UDC, Stenographer Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2020-2021.

About ESIC UDC/Steno Admit Card :-

Admit Card (AC) for the Written Examination indicating the time and venues of examination can be downloaded from the website of ESIC (Regional website) Candidates who are unable to download their Admit Card should contact the concerned Regional Office, ESIC with details such as Application Number, print out of online application, copy of challan, etc. for obtaining the Admit Card. Failure to do so will deprive him/her of any claim for consideration.

Important Link Area

Recruitment Detailed ESIC UDC Recruitment
For Official Website
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